Staying Safe from Falling Objects
Objects falling from above can pose a serious danger. While this type of hazard might typically be associated with construction businesses, health care facilities face similar dangers. Injuries caused by falling objects can range from broken bones to paralysis and can even result in death. Often, falling object accidents are caused by disorganized workspaces or material handling accidents.
Protect Yourself and Our Patients
Follow these guidelines to reduce your risk of injury from falling and flying objects.
- Do not leave loose or sharp items—e.g., scissors, knives or needles—on ledges, shelves, platforms or any high surface.
- Do not store anything on top of shelving units or cabinets. Anything that is not easily reachable presents a falling object hazard.
- Do not store commonly used items high up in patient rooms. Patients or their visitors could be injured while attempting to retrieve them.
- Do not open more than one drawer at a time in a file cabinet—this could cause the cabinet to tip over.
- Never stack heavy items to store them. Store them close to the floor, and never exceed the safe load capacity of shelving or storage units.
- Remember that stacks of paper, magazines or files can be considered heavy items if they were to fall.
- Since children are especially vulnerable, do not leave telephone cords or similar items where a child could reach them. Courteously intervene if you feel a child needs additional parental control.
- Regularly scour the premises for unsafe storage methods. If you discover a situation that presents a falling object hazard, fix it or find a new way to store it immediately.
- If a coworker is on a ladder to retrieve an item at a height, do not stand or work under them.
Our Commitment to You
Your safety is our first priority at the Texas Medical Group. If you have any doubt about safety on site—regarding falling objects or any other issue—talk to your supervisor. Keeping you and your coworkers safe requires everyone’s cooperation.
This Safety Matters flyer is for general informational purposes only, and is not intended as medical or legal advice. © 2010, 2014, 2019, 2021 Zywave, Inc. All rights reserved.
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